Sport Wales

A Place for Sport

Get up to £15,000 to improve your community sports facility

We’re encouraging the sports sector seeking to improve off-field facilities to get involved.

Crowdfunder and Sport Wales have teamed up to make £300,000 of match funding available to support the enhancement of spaces in the local community, improving the community experience and the environmental and financial sustainability of off-field facilities.

So if your sports club or community organisation is looking to create, enhance, or redevelop your sports facility for the benefit of the community, then you could be eligible to receive up to £15,000 in match funding!

If you have already started a crowdfunding campaign you can apply for the match funding via your Crowdfunder dashboard.

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How does it all work?

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Do you want to access this +Extra funding?

To apply for this fund, sign up and start setting up your project today

About this fund

Sport Wales: A Place For Sport
Sport Wales: A Place for Sport
Get up to £15,000

Sports clubs or community organisations looking to create, enhance, or redevelop sports facilities for the benefit of the community.

You need a crowdfunding project to apply for funding. Start or continue adding your project and, if eligible, you'll be prompted to apply.


This investment of up to £15,000 aims to help community organisations crowdfunding for capital (building or refurbishment) works that will enhance spaces within their local area, to enable people to have a better experience, to ensure facilities are more environmentally and financially sustainable. 

Eligibility Criteria

This match funding is designed to help community groups deliver a project to create, enhance or redevelop a community place for sport.

To be eligible to apply, organisations must be:

  • Charity, community, voluntary and social enterprise sector not-for-profit organisations that deliver sport and/or physical activity in their community.
  • For the benefit of people residing in Wales.
  • Seeking investment for internal or external facilities / modernisation works
  • Involving the local community in the development and delivery of their project.

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Individuals or sole traders
  • For profit businesses or partnerships
  • Schools, colleges and universities
  • Commercial sport and physical activity providers, e.g. private gyms
  • Leisure operators including leisure trusts
  • Those organisations which have previously accessed the Sport Wales Private Provider Fund


Priority will be given to projects that are in the most deprived communities to ensure that our match investment reaches those most in need. This will be organisations that do one or both of the following:

  • Deliver activity in areas experiencing social and economic deprivation, including rural communities
  • Work with one or more of the following groups as a main focus: disabled people; low socio-economic groups; Black, Asian and people with other ethnically diverse backgrounds.

We will still support projects which do not meet these priorities, however we may reduce the level of match funding offered. Match funding will usually be in the range of 30-50% of the project target.

Pledge Criteria

If your application is approved, you’ll get match funding of up to 50% towards your initial crowdfunding target, up to a maximum of £15,000. This offer will be valid for 4 weeks after the date of notification, if you do not launch your crowdfunding campaign within 4 weeks of notification the offer will be rescinded. 

To receive a pledge, you will need to do two things (the ‘pledge conditions’): 

1. raise at least 25% of your initial target,

2. raise this from a minimum number of unique Supporters based on your target.

You must then continue fundraising to achieve 100% of your funding target and receive the Sport Wales funds.

Note – Sport Wales reserves the right to vary these pledge criteria; projects will be notified if their pledge criteria will vary from the stated terms above.

Before applying please read the Sport Wales A Place for Sport Eligibility and Pledge Criteria. Click here or English or here for Cymraeg

All funded projects are required to agree to the Sport Wales A Place for Sport Grant Conditions. Click here for English or here for Cymraeg

Success Stories

Some of our favourite successful crowdfunding projects. These guys all smashed their targets and received the funding that they needed in order to thrive and grow within their communities.

Success story

New Coastal Rowing Facility in Goodwick

Watch how this club raised over £10,000 to develop a new Beach Sprint and Coastal Rowing facility in Goodwick extending the opportunity for all in the community.

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How +Extra funding works

start crowdfunding

Start a project

Start a new project on Crowdfunder, tell us the basics and a rough outline of your story. Then we can show you funds that you may be eligible for.

Get the word out

Apply for funding

You can then choose to make an application for a relevant fund. If a partner likes your project, they may agree to support it.
Show me how to apply

Get funded

Start crowdfunding

Start raising money from the crowd and once you reach an agreed percentage of your target, one of our partners could boost your total with a large donation.

We're with you every step of the way


Explore the Crowdfunder Knowledge Hub

The go-to place for all the advice and guidance to help you make your project a success no matter what stage you’re at.


Join us for an interactive session

Our team regularly host live and interactive sessions to share all the tips and know-how you need to be successful on Crowdfunder.


Download our quick crowdfunding guide

If applying to match funding from Sport England, this free PDF guide can give you all the information and inspiration you need to get started.

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